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Dr. Al Stone pastored the Bible Baptist Church in St. Thomas, Ontario Canada for 30 years. Since turning the church over he and Ruthy have been travelling full time as the General Director of Bearing Precious Seed Canada ministry and The Canadian Gospel Project. Their goal is to put a booklet of the Gospel of John and the Book of Romans into every one of the 14.5 million homes in Canada. The CGP has successfully produced and distributed a John & Romans to well over 85% of the homes in Canada and another quarter million abroad.
With Canada so close to complete
BPS Canada has joined forces to start the American Gospel Project endeavouring to reach the United States next.
Dr. Stone has preached to tens of thousands of teenagers in his 40-year ministry as well as having preached revivals, missions conferences, Bible conferences and couples retreats in more than 15 different countries.
He and his wife Ruthy have three children and 6 grandchildren.
Reaching Canada & America
Subscribe to the Tiim Talks Podcast with Dr. Al Stone and Pastor Dan Wolvin.
2025 Meeting Schedule
2 Anchor Baptist - Massilon Ohio - Pastor Shane Rice
16-19 First Baptist Couples Retreat & Revival - Eaton Ohio - Pastor Andrew Stensaas
21-22 Man Up Simcoe Ontario
27-30 Pickerington Bapt. Temp. - Pickerington Oh. - Pastor BJ VanAman
3-6 Puzzletown Baptist - Duncansville PA - Pastor Jon Gross
12-13 BPS Canada Celebration FINISHED!
24-26 Barrie Youth Conference
26-30 Wolverine Bapt. - Wolverine MI - Pastor J. Springer
1-6 Lions Gate Baptist - North Vancouver - Pastor Josh Towns
7-11 N. Columbus Bap. - Columbus OH - Pastor Wolvin
14-18 Faith Baptist Church - Indianapolis IN - Pastor Dellinger
21-25 Graceway Bapt. - Sarnia ON - Pastor Bruce Cook
13-17 Man Up Conf. Vernon BC - Pastor Aulin
6-11 Park Gate Baptist & Beaver Creek Camp PA - Fry & Noseworthy
13 New Life Bible Baptist - Yipsilani MI - Pastor Bob Mack
30-July 3 Airdrie Baptist - Airdrie AB - Pastor Friesen
6-17 Round Robin Missions Conf. Michigan
20-24 Heritage Bapt. - St. Augustine FL - Pastor G. Martin
2-9 - Kangiqliiq Baptist - Rankin Inlet NU - Pastor N. Jones
11 - Youth Fest - Connecticut - Pastor Jim Townsley
18-22 - Mountain View Baptist - Calgary AB - Pastor Cornucuc
26-29 Newton Baptist - Covington GA - Pastor Ivy
30-2 Harbor Baptist - Ormond Beach FL - Pastor Petrick
6-8 - First Baptist Church - Milford OH - Pastor Quinlan
21-22 - Man Up Ottawa - Pastor S. Michel
27-30 Victory Baptist - Winnipeg MB - Pastor Pitman

Israel Tours
Let me challenge you to join us for what is sure to be the TRIP OF A LIFETIME in Israel! We travel EVERY February to the Holy Land. The trip will depart from Toronto (alternate departure cities available). This is sure to be an 11 day journey that will change your walk with God and the way you read your Bible forever. The trip will be hosted by Pastor Brett Pennell (Heritage Baptist Church, Barrie, Ontario), and Pastor Al Stone (Bearing Precious Seed Canada). The price advertised for this amazing journey includes everything for the tour: air fare*, coach bus transportation in Israel, entrance fees to sites, hotels, taxes, tips, breakfast and supper buffet meals, and more. It is ALL inclusive. Click on the link below to get more exact details about upcoming trips.
This map gives an idea of just a FEW of the sights you will see on your trip.
Follow and contact Dr. Stone